Volume 30
The FINAL Saga of Alemany ’66:
As Revealed by The Shadow
with minor assistance from
F.J. Bonaccorso and
Photo Wizards R. M. Johnson and D. P. McMahon
Special Dedication:
To the 24 Alemany Angels from the Class of 1966
We miss you one and all
Subtitle: Garlic-powdered Kryptonite
Congratulations to Leo Restrich
The sole Alemanian to win two Shadow Triva Contests
Leo wins the Johnny Walker Red Collectors Edition*
*Lapel Pin
On the Way to the Phone Booth on Deck Three
Coach Mike King leaped the stairs three at a time down from the bridge. He hurdled loungers on the main deck, zigged and zagged around barking dogs and a llama on the Poop Deck, stepped in some dog poop, and then bounded up the three flights of stairs to Deck Three.
Sister William Joseph: Good morning, Mr. King.
Coach: Comes to a screaming halt burning rubber on his Converse tennis shoes, tipped his hat and said, “Good morning Sister William Joseph and Sister Mary Juanita”. (He walks three steps past them and then accelerates into a sprint).
Sister Mary Juanita: My, that man sure has energy for someone his age. (The good sister slipped a small bottle of Geritol from her habit and took a deep drink). I find that this keeps my energy up. Geritol, Sister?
Sister William Joseph: Maybe just a little nip. Ahh, that’s good, but here try a little of my tonic. My former student, Tom Marsh gave me this for my tired blood.
Sister Mary Juanita: “What is this?” She reads the label out loud, “Hayes Healing Honey Compound, Paris Medicine Company, St. Louis. Then she read the side panel, “Contains wild bee honey, balm of gilead buds, grindelia robusta, chloroform, white pine, glycerin, terpin hydrate, wild cherry bark, horehound, extract of Hycosyamus, benzoic acid, gum camphor, oil anise, and 7% alcohol. Sister MJ takes off the cap, takes a chug, her body shakes and she coughs. There is a pause, “My, that has a kick! Anything with horehound has gotta be good for you. Do you think Mr. Marsh can get me a bottle?”
At the Phone Booth
(If this were a musical you would be hearing the theme song from “Carwash” with the lyrics change to “at the phone booth”)
Coach King looks around, no one is nearby. He opens the folding door and steps into the booth. It does not take long for him to strip off his outer cloths revealing a red and blue suit of body tights with a big red “S” on the chest.

SuperCoach emerges in full regalia from the phone booth
Flying overhead along Deck 3 are two Alemany Angels:
Susan Bolduc: Holy Moses, did you know that Coach King was Superman?
Tom Walker: You didn’t know that, Sue?
Sue: Well, I only got my wings recently.
Tom: Yeah, yeah, angel apprentice school is a #$*^+@.
Sue: Tom, don’t let Father Gottenbos hear you say that. He runs a very strict apprentice program. C’mon, let’s follow Coach, er, I mean SuperCoach and see what he is up to.

Bridge, SS Pterodactyl
Art Durazo: (Speaking over loudspeaker). This is the Captain speaking. I am on the bridge with Garnet & Grey Cruise Lines owner, Aileen Bruno. All passengers and crew are ordered indoors immediately. Life jackets must be worn. The crew will secure all watertight doors. The tsunami is approaching and will strike in approximately 6 minutes. Aileen: (Takes the intercom). We will get through this. Please help by following all of Captain Durazo’s orders. May God be with us!
Cabin 488 overlooking Poop Deck
Coach King knocks on Tom Marsh’s cabin door. There is no answer. He knocks again. Still there is no answer. He jumps into the air and with red cape trailing in the breeze, flies to the porthole of cabin 488. While hovering, he peers through the window to see that Marsh is praying to the porcelain god, or perhaps taking notes on the Coriolis force after a flush. Coach looks at his watch. Only three minutes until the tsunami will doom all aboard the Pterodactyl. He flies to the cabin door and smashes through it.
Tom: Hey what gives? (Tom’s jaw drops to his chest at the shock of seeing Coach King in red and blue tights? First he laughs and then he pukes again).
SuperCoach: Marsh, pull yourself together. Please don’t tell me you have ciguatera poisoning. I need the services of MarshMellow Man immediately or this ship is going down.
Tom: Naw, Coach. Just too many s’mores mixed with a few vodkas last night.
SuperCoach. (He removes a vial of an off-white powder from his belt, sees a box of graham crackers, takes one cracker from the box, and sprinkles some of the powder on the cracker.) “Eat this, Tom”.
Tom: What is this?
SuperCoach: Garlic-flavored kryptonite powder. It will do wonders for your strength and you are going to need it to carry out my plan.
Tom: Sniffs the cracker, and then bites into it.
SuperCoach: Tom, we are running out of time. Eat faster.
(Tom finishes the cracker and Coach leads him out the cabin door.)
Tom: “Wait, there is something I must do first, or my power will not be activated even with the kryptonite. He opens a chest drawer and pulls out a cellophane package of marshmallows. Then he reaches for a bottle on top of the chest and pours a dark liquid over the marshmallow.
SuperCoach: What is that stuff?
Tom: Geritol over a marshmallow gives me my superhero power. He is still chewing the concoction when Coach pulls him out the door.
SuperKing: Jump up on my shoulders. (A strong wind is felt and the surrounding seas are rough. SuperCoach and Marshmellow Man are up in the air and gaining altitude.)
Bridge, SS Pterodactyl
George Duggan: Holy shit. Look at that wave! It must be 240 ft high. What can we do?
Aileen: Place your faith in your Captain and in God, Mr. Duggan.
Art Durazo: Mr. Duggan, bring the ship to a heading of 270 degrees. Engine room, give me full speed. Everyone else, pray.
Above the SS Pterodactyl
Tom Marsh: Timing is everything, Coach. I will only be able to hold the weight of the ship for a few seconds, even with your kryptonite supplement. I need to grab the ship about two seconds before the bow will be covered by the wave. Keep me over the smokestack. That is where I will grab the ship.
Coach K: No problem, Tom.
Tom: Good thing my costume is made out of asbestos or this MarshmellowMan would be toasted because that smokestack is steaming hot.
Bridge, SS Pterodactyl
Art: Hold a steady course, Mr. Duggan. We are going to find out what this ship is made of in about 20 seconds.
And the wave approached with a roar……..
Wrigley Field, Chicago
Jim Dantona: Nice visiting with you, Ernie. Here, you keep the rest of the Geritol. I have to get back to the Reunion Cruise.
Ernie Banks: Are you pulling my leg about that, that contraption being a Time Machine.
Jim: The Monarch II is capable of traveling in time millions of years forward or backward. I only came back 12 hours in history so I could give Derek Lee a few tips during the a batting practice we had scheduled. Derek was stepping in the bucket, but he seems on track now. See you after the cruise. Frank Bonaccorso will never give me a loaner again if I don’t return this crate on time.
Dantona enters the Monarch that was parked behind second base and a minute later, Mr. Ernie Banks saw only a puff of steam and heard, “Poof”, the sound of the Monarch II breaking the time barrier.
Flying above the SS Pterodactyl
Coach: Ok, now Tom.
MarshMellow Man’s arms extend and grab the smokestack of SS Pterodactyl. Water runs over the bow – but the ship lifts 20, 60, 100, 250 feet above sea level and only 10 feet above the crest of the SuperTsunami. A loud “klunk” was heard and Tom felt an impact of weight add to the ship that he is holding. This causes Tom to lose his grip on the ship. Of course you know the impact is Dantona landing Monarch II at the worst possible moment. The bad news is that the ship drops bow end first. The good news is that it drops clear of the passing wave. The bow dips below water which rises half way up the bridge and causes foamy spray to rise over the bridge windows and even over the upper deck -- and then flows off the ship’s decking like water off the back of a duck. The ship bobs like a cork three times and then steadies.
Coach: You did it, Tom!
Tom: We did it, SuperCoach.
Bridge, SS Pterodactyl
Aileen: What did you do, Captain? We are saved!
Art: What did you do, Mr. Duggan? The ship flew above the wave. Can you explain that?
George: I have no idea what happened, Cap’n. I did nothing but hold steady on course and then all that foamy water covered the windows.
Lamont: (Laughing). The Shadow Knows. Come outside and see who is flying high above. (George picks up his beloved dog, Cookie, who has piddled on one leg of the Captain’s chair, and everyone runs outside to look up into the skies).
Monarch II on Upper Deck of SS Pterodactyl:
The door to the Monarch II creaks open. Out steps Jim Dantona.
Jim: (Looking around and talking to himself). I wonder where everybody is? Mid-day and no one sunning themselves on such a beautiful day! There must have been a heavy rain recently, the deck is wet. That’s why everyone is indoors.
People and dogs are now streaming out of hatches and doors all over the ship. They go to the railing and see a humongous wave receding in the distance behind the ship. Then someone looks up and points to the flying superheros:

Jan Wherley: It’s a bird!
Michael Bateson: It’s a plane!
Annie Gattuso: No, it’s….

Lil’ Donnie Swenson: No, its….

SuperCoach circles the decks with MarshMellow Man waving to the crowd below.
Even a recovered Liz Wingfoot Healy is out on deck cheering with Spud “The Black Magister” Spadero and all the ‘66ers.
Coach sets Tom down on the deck and flies off to go have another look at the tsunami rapidly making its way to the coast of an uninhabited section of Baja.

Faster than a roaring tsunami, SuperCoach!

Any body care to make some s’mores with me? I’m starving.
Louie the Dachsund runs from Teri Arteaga and jumps into the arms of MarshMellow Man and licks his face.
Tom: Aw, cut that out Louie. I knew I could count on you to want some Smoors. Hank also jumps up on Tom. Soon a crowd of dogs are around him, curious at the man that smells of marshmallows, and garlic, and kryptonite.
The Reunion Cruise continues back north toward San Pedro without further assassination attempts, illnesses, or disastrous weather events. All the ‘66’ers enjoy camaraderie, good food, laughter, and responsible use of alcohol. MarshMellow Man was hooked on kryptonite, however, and SuperCoach made a quick flight to his home planet to stock-up for his new superhero friend.
There were a few more Alemany talent shows. Hank and Louie formed a team in which they trained their “handlers”, Charmaine and Teri, to jump through flaming hoops for treats (bites of s’mores). Frank Diaz gave a lecture on the life-cycle of the liverworts and followed that with an excellent slide show birds encountered on his travels through Peru. Mr. Diaz also taught Charmaine the calls of the Great Potoo and the Drab Water Tyrant among other bird calls. Frank Bonaccorso surprised Danny McMahon by transporting The Charlie Daniels Band to the SS Pterodactyl aboard the Monarch II and the mother of all concerts followed. Aviators, Tim Jordan and Brad Kopp, and Aviatrix, Jane Lind, kept outdoing each other with new aerial tricks on Tim’s gyrocopter, but none of them could match the stunts done by the free flying Liz Healy, Tom Marsh, and Mike King. Yes, after consuming so much kryptonite, Marsh actually soloed without Herr King.
Let us look and listen as the ‘66ers enjoy the last sunset aboard the SS Pterodactyl as the ship nears home port.
Mrs. Rose Patella: “Little Frankie Joe! I can’t believe how you have grown-up. I remember all the weekend pasta feasts your grandmother, Francis, used to host on the ranch at Devonshire and Odessa.
David Nehen: Mrs. Patella, did you ever have Grandma Streva’s chicken pastina soup?
Rose: Oh, David, that soup was to “die-for”. Francis Streva was the greatest cook the San Fernando Valley has ever known. Her ravioli in Napolitan sauce was out of this world too.
Frank Bonaccorso: Good, thing Dave never looked in the pot with the floating chicken-feet and beaks. My grandma believed in using everything that came off Grampa’s chopping block.
Barbara Smith: I can remember being heartbroken at the Sophomore Sock-hop. My dreamboat hunk kept dancing with a certain homecoming queen and he ignored me all night (Sigh!)
Sarah Vasco: Consider yourself lucky, Barb, my dreamboat hunk kept stepping on my toes and later spilt a Dr. Pepper down the front on my dress.
Tom Stratton: Did you know that the steam-powered Land Speed Record for an automobile is 127.659 mph? It was set by a Stanley Steamer in 1906?
John Sumser: So happens that I am nearly finished restoring a 1906 Stanley Steamer. Maybe we should try to break that record, Tom, after the 2009 Rose Parade. I already have had offers to drive the car in the Rose Parade. I just need to decide whether to paint it traditional jet black or candy apple red.
Mike Wilkes: Why be conservative, go with the candy apple. Do you make your own parts? I can’t imagine where you would find them?
John: I do all the tool and die wok on my own parts, Mike.
Donald Hughes: So now you build cars, John. I remember you being the guy who collapsed the roof of that old junker with one swing of a sledge hammer. What a fund-raiser that was at Alemany.
John: Yeah, that was me. It was my greatest achievement at Alemany. Along with “Big Ray Day” it was probably the most fun we ever had in high school.
Ed Brusasco: Spyder, I can still remember the thrill of victory from my first JV wrestling match in the Alemany gym. Coach showed me a trick by greasing me up with neat’s-foot oil. My opponent from Crespi could never guess how I slipped every hold he put on me.
Earnest “Spyder” Villalobos: Gee, Ed, my mom used to slick down my hair with that stuff. I hated it.
Ed: I could have won the CIF section championship, senior year; except, I had the bottle of neat’s-foot oil in my back pocket and sat on it during the bus ride to the match. Without the oil, I was pinned in the first 20 seconds of my match.
Theresa Bryen: Did I ever tell you about the time that Prince Charles took me to the races at Royal Ascot, darling?
Mary Cain: No, honey. What kind of hat did you wear?
Bonnie Timpe: Forget the hat, did the Prince kiss you?
Theresa: He couldn’t, the Queen was watching us like a hawk. But the Prince did place a bet for me and I won 3,000 pounds on a horse called “Big Ray”. Rich Coscia rode that horse to victory. Let me tell you, Rich was much better looking in his silks than Prince Charles any time.
Claudia Thompson: There is Rich now, let’s go get his autograph while he’s talking to Elvis.
Mary Ganssle Johnson (Owner of Johnson & Johnson Racing): I find that lemon Pledge is the best wax to use on the wooden parts of the Ski-Box Championship trophy. What do you use in Boston, Gyoengi?
Gyoengyi Molnar Quinn (General Manager of Boston Red Sox): Oh, the World Series trophy has no wooden parts.
Mary A. O’Malley (Minority Owner of the Chicago Cubs): I just wish we had a World Series trophy from this century in Chicago. I would polish it every day, but Jim Dantona assures me we are a lock this year.
Gyoengyi: Don’t count on it, Mary.
Sir Guy Proto: My theory, Sir John, is that if we hang out with winners, it will rub off and we shall take the Ryder Cup back to Merry England this year.
Sir John Preble: Then stay away from Mary O’Malley. Those Cubs have the curse of the goat on them. If we don’t win this year, Elizabeth may de-knight us.
King Olliff: If the Ski-Box Championship does not come to Sweden this year heads will roll.
Frankie Depasquale: I have to tell you, your highness, that Dispenza has invented a frictionless ski runner that will revolutionize the sport. And only the USA has it!
Marilyn Gadomski: And they call him King Rex Olliff The Good!
Oscar Rivera, Jr.: I was thinking of buying the Fiji Islands this year, Marty.
Martin Molidor: Which islands in Fiji, Oscar?
Oscar: All of them.
Madame Zazza: May I see your palm, Joannie?
Joan McKinney: Why sure, Madame Z. What do you see in my palm?
Madame Z: I see great wealth coming your way in Las Vegas. Bet number 22.
Wally Franklin: Have you got a tip for me Madame Z?
Madame Z: Yes, try Listerine, Wally!
Dave Surges: Yep, I remember the dog race of ’98, temperature was soooo cold…..
Ed Bertell: You ought to hear his ice-fishing stories about the giant muskelunge that was so big it took six hours to saw a hole big enough to get it out of the lake.
Paul Pichotta: See you guys up in Alaska for the Iditerod.
Ann Turner Olsen: Yeah, and we can all go crabbing together after the race. I have trained Seymour and Henrietta and their brood of little squidlings to pull the crab traps up, so there is really little work involved.
Terry Boyle Southwick: And now my editor wants to know why I don’t have super heros like The Shadow and MarshMellow Man in my books.
Charmaine Haley Coimbra: That darn Shadow Press has raised the bar too high for the rest of us writers; plus all those Hollywood writers on strike are cranking out books like no tomorrow. I think I might give up writing and open a restaurant. I happen to know a pretty good chef who just might bring all her possum and armadillo recipes.
Teri Artega Romero: I could be your pastry chef, Char. Why don’t we call the place Char’s Possum Hollow?
Diane Muscolo Bergstrom: Now, now Arnie, I know Washington has been giving you a hard time about the California clean air standards. I will talk to President Hawkes and Vice President Guerrero. We will get a favorable settlement, I’m sure.
Arnie Swartzenegger: That’s what I like about you Diane. You always see the bright side. You know how to negotiate. Where’s Teri? She said she would bake me some cookies today, I am so tired of s’mores!
Barb Broeski: So, Dr. Holmes, I was wondering if I could consult with you about a patient of mine that just is not making any progress with the therapy I have been giving him for nearly a year now.
Dr. Emory Holmes: This patient wouldn’t be Ja(Y) Pelzer, would it?
Barb: Why yes. How did you know?
Dr. Holmes: I began treating him freshman year at Alemany. Hopeless case if ever there was one. Today, as soon as we neared San Pedro harbor, he started chanting, “It’s not over”, “It’s not over.”
Pete Herron: Has anybody seen my rabbit? It went missing again?
Mary Chris Checkie: Check the Poop Deck, Pete. A greyhound was chasing a bunny around and around the pool.
Mary Langan: I promise you. Linda, I can teach you the new 540 Kwap-ni-owski jump, that Dan drew up on a napkin last night at the party.
Linda Haney: Are you trying to kill me? It just can’t be done. At least not by a lady skiboard-jumper of my age – I mean I am almost 39! Can’t we just stay with the Broeski Twisel?
Virgina Ortiz: C’mon, Linda, no guts no glory. If you do it, I promise Wide World of Sports Hill will be there for the Thrill of Victory.
Linda: Or Agony of Defeat! I thought you worked for CNN, Ginny?
Virginia: ABC just offered me a better contract. I am going to be working with that darling Bernie Van Vlymen.
James MacIssac: I am telling you, if you come down to Felix Chevrolet, I can give you a beauty of a ‘59 Impala for no down payment and 0.1% interest financing. This car has been driven by Dr. Ellie McConnaughy only on Sundays to church and back. It still has the original white-wall tires.
David Krohman: You say it is still under warranty?
James: Absolutely, yes. And you know you can trust me for one-day service if anything does goes wrong.
Len DiTrapani: So when I popped out of the trunk and grabbed the tray of double decker burgers from the Mustang next to us at Big Boy’s the waitress screamed……..
Pat Lucatorto: Hey, DiTrapp, you’re the guy that stole my hamburgers and malteds on the hottest date I ever had going. Wait ‘til I get my hands on you. (Len takes off and Pat is chasing him.)
Mr. Alfred Graci: So Ralph, I still don’t know how we managed to survive these knucklehead kids without all our hair falling out. And they haven’t changed. Look at them throwing cabers, unleashing prehistoric flying monsters on Southern California. What is this generation coming to?
Mr. Ralph Rath: I got so discombobulated trying to explain the symbolism of the albatross in The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, Al. No one ever got it.
Al: Let me quote the poet, Ralph. “Nevermore”, I am staying far away from these maniacs and their “high school” behavior as soon as this ship docks. Hey Restrich, get back in the detention hall with Marsh. You two have another hour to serve.
Leo Restrich: Ah gee, Mr. Graci, it’s the last night of the cruise. Can’t you give us a break?
Al: Do you know the meaning of the word, no. It means “No”.
(DiTrapani runs into Mr. Graci and Lucatorto runs into both of them, knocking the three of them to the deck.
Ralph Rath: Looks like you got two more for detention, Al.
Al: (Already writing furiously on his pad of citations.) How many “p’s” in DiTrapani?
Lennie: One, Mr. Graci.
Al: And to think you both are Italian kids who were raised better than that!
Chris Carney: Yes, I am sure of what I heard on radio KHJ. Charley Tuna announced that The Las Panteras Rosas Gang escaped from Soledad Prison yesterday and they spray-painted “We will get you, Christi Brecht!” in pink paint over the entrance to tunnel in Malibu Canyon.
Christi Brecht: What am I going to do?
Chris Belle Monroe: We better go find Scchief Inspectore Eugene Rapposelli. Oh my gosh, I better alert security at the Rijksmuseum, the collections are not safe.
Eugene Rapposelli: I am so terribly sorry, Commissioner Iannolo. I don’t know how my fountain pen managed to slip out of my hand. Please, let me remove it from your forehead, the ink is dripping down and spoiling your silk tie.
Commissioner Robert Iannolo: Get away from me you fool. Help! Dr. Shows. Do not touch me, Rapposelli.
Rich Carvotta: Have you booked Elvis on the Carvotta Show yet, Maggie.
Maggie Calaba: Sorry Rich, McMahon already got Elvis for the Tonight Show.
Rich: Rats! Go offer him twice as much as McMahon. This will be the biggest event on TV since Ed Sullivan booked the Beatles.
Mary Siefert: Do you have any money or food you don’t want?
Pat Maryon: Tsk. Oooooooh!
(Tip from The Shadow: check 1966 Recuerdos on this one).
Ruth Snell: Which one of you is Greg? (Addressing Greg and Mark Smith)
Mark Smith: I am.
Don Turkal: The Cap’n says we are going to be 15 minutes late into port.
Ron Turkal: Damn, that means we are going to miss the last bus to Lancaster.
Claudia Thompson: It’s ok. Cha-cha says all the Lancaster kids can stay at the Playboy Mansion tonight.
Mary Lyons: Are you kidding me?
Adam Marx: Afraid not. We just won’t be able to print the “Closing the Cruise” edition of the Pow-Wow.
Mr. McClanahan: (Just walking up to the two). Why can’t we print the Pow-wow?
Mary: Our Monarch mascot, the lion, ate the mimeograph machine.
Dave Gieg: Listen guys, I know if we bulk up we can do it. Where is your spirit of competition?
Jim Jacobs: I say we go for it.
Bob Ryan: Yeah, last time we went for it, I got impaled by a Ceratotherium and you guys left me up in an acacia tree for hours.
Dave: But elephant tipping has never been done before, it’s the last frontier of ‘cow tipping’.
Judy Pfeifer: I’ll be on your elephant-tipping team, Dave.
Monique Lussier Padberg: We are so far in the red now with all the new charges that Art Durazo is adding to the bill. I mean the power spraying alone for all the dog poop and hairballs is costing a fortune.
Claudia Haugh Stepan: I don’t see these Monarchs paying another hundred bucks each for cleaning and damages to the ship.
Crash, tinkle, tinkle.
Monique: What was that?
Claudia: Just Bob Lendzion demonstrating his golf chipping technique through the picture window of the Dolphin Lounge. That should be another $500.
Bill Merriken: Bob did it. (Merriken is pointing at Lendzion).
Al Graci: Lendzion, detention hall, right now!
Betty Perales: A porpoise just jumped out of the water and stole my ruby earring!
Kathyrn Martin Rahm: That would be Flipper telling me he wants to carry me back to shore. I’ll get your earring back, Betty.
Patti Sellers: Hi, Jay. How are you today? Well the cruise is almost over, are you glad to be getting home soon?
Jay Pelzer: “It’s not over! It’s not over, I tell you.”
Patti: Oh, duck, Jay. Danny just tossed a caber this way. Gosh he goes crazy when he wears his kilts. (Caber goes crashing into bulkhead).
Stern railing on the upper deck of the SS Pterodactyl
All the participants from the Cretaceous Time Traveling Pterodactyl Expedition were gathered. Frank popped the cork on a 1966 bottle of Dom PĂ©rignon.
Art Fonseca: The champagne was donated by King Rex Oliff The Good in appreciation for the pterodactyl skeleton that we donated to the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet in Stockholm. The Chief Curator of Paleontology is very pleased to own the best preserved and most complete ptero skeleton in the world.
John Barreiro: I donated all my action photos of our pteros to the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum. The exhibit opens on Groundhog Day.
Kathy Gordon: So cheer up, Frank. Our expedition was not a scientific or artistic failure.
Frank: May I propose a toast. Here’s to good friends who supported each other during not one but two cataclysmic volcanic eruptions, Mt. Vesusvius in 69 AD and Mt. Doom in 65,000,000 BC.
Chachita Faitel: I will drink to that. Did I tell you that I got a phone call from Hef, today. He says we can move back into the Mansion for the same rent.
Bobbie Mosher: That’s wonderful, Cha Cha. The old goat misses you.
Bill Danaher: You look a bit tired, Alan?
Alan Shows: I was up all night treating the ciguatera victims. Nevertheless, I am happy to say everyone is on their feet again, if not yet eating hearty.
Pliny The Elder: You are an excellent physician, Alan. I wish you would come back to Rome with me and teach the Phoenician doctors of my era a few things. I do miss Rome, especially the breads and virgin olive oils.
Pat Dolan: Say, speaking of feeding. There is one last batch of mussels and clams from the swamps of the Cretaceous on ice in Monarch. Why don’t I ask the chef to prepare them for us?
Peggy Jones: You stay here and have another glass, Pat. I will go talk to the chef.
Tim Jordan: I think Frank is still disappointed that we could not bring back a live pterodactyl. It would have been a great Alemany High mascot. Imagine those school administrations changing the mascot from the Indians to the Warriors. Harummmph! They just are not visionary enough to understand what a noble animal the pterodactyl is. Or should I say was?
Greg Pokorski: Say, Tim, you spent a lot of time flying your gyro right up there with the pteros. What was that like? How do you characterize them?
Tim: Graceful. They must be the best gliders ever to soar through the skies. And as long as I stayed clear of the nesting cliffs they treated me like I was just another flying vertebrate. I looked in the eye of one ptero no further from me than you now stand.
Terry Mock: And what did you see in the eye of the ptero?
Tim: I saw…..
Chris Gilmore: Awful good champagne, Frankie Joe.
Frank: I guess. I still feel a little blue that we came so close to bringing back a live ptero, and yet we failed. (He turned toward the stern railing and tossed his glass overboard). What is that flying this way? Looks like a group of brown pelicans flying low over the water in V-formation, but they are not exactly moving like pelicans.
Chris: (Reaching into her tote bag.) You better have a look through my opera-glasses.
Frank: He focuses the glasses, and then declares, “Ooooooh myyyyy Goodness, Christina Marie! It cannot be? (He looks at Chris totally confused). How? When? You?
Chris: Frankie Joe, just before I rappelled down the cliff as the volcano was about to toast us, I found a nest with five eggs. I put the eggs in the cartons and sacks that we carried for just that purpose. That is why I was the last one down the cliffs. But I didn’t know if the eggs were fertile and didn’t want to disappoint you. And then of course we just about died from toxic fumes not to mention the second-degree burns. I didn’t wake up until we were in the UCLA medical center.
Frank: And all five eggs were fertile! But, but there has not been time enough for the chicks to hatch, grow and fledge. Those are subadult pterodactyls.
Chris: Well, without telling anyone, Kathy Gordon and I went back to the Cretaceous in the Monarch II. We found a female who adopted the eggs and raised them. Here they come over the ship. That is Drusilla in the lead, Pliny on her left, Atticus on the far side, Caesar on the right inside, and the runt, beg pardon, is little Frankie Joe.
Now back to Tim Jordan
Tim: I saw……… Look up there it’s a bird. No it’s a glider plane. It certainly to hell is not SuperCoach. Those are pterodactyls!
The five pteros led by Drusilla circled the ship. Little Frankie Joe dipped down and caught a barracuda, flipped it in the air and swallowed it down in one gulp.
Alan Shows: Hope Frankie Joe doesn’t get ciguatera.
Of course no one could see them, but also flying right up there with the Ptero’s and dipping and barrel-rolling among them were 24 Alemany Angels from the graduating class of 1966 enjoying the evening and the sunset as much as anybody: Margaret Bamrick, Sue Bolduc, Charlene Brash, Paula Carabelli, Frank Del Olmo, Mary Dermody, Russel Doutre, Don Falstitch, Paul Frysak, Lynn Marie Gayetty, Randy Guerrero, Timothy Hollywood, Wayne Jzyk, Peggy Kiley, James Lahey, John Lorenze, Pamela Morris, Pamela Richard, Sharon Rondou, Ned Ryan, Daria Shanks, Greg Villalva, Tom Walker, and Don Writer.
Paul Frysak: Look down there. I almost thought Coach Ralph Ahn was waving. Doesn’t he look great?
Frank Del Olmo: Look at the gaggle of girls around Bob Johnson. Nothing has changed in 45 years. How does he do that?
Don Writer: Hey, John Gugerty and Johnny Thompson are shooting hoops on the outdoor court. If only I could join them for a game of H-O-R-S-E. I would show them a few moves.
Paula Carrabelli: They all look so happy. God bless them.
Tim Hollywood: He does bless them every day, Paula.
Then a very high-pitched whistle was blown. The kind of whistle that is way above human hearing and that only angels and dogs can hear. Soon, the 43 stow-away dogs that had been smuggled aboard the Pterodactyl began barking, baying, howling and yapping. Let’s not concern ourselves with the dogs.
Pam Checkie: Oh shoot, that is John Christenson blowing the signal that we have to go back to Heaven.
Peggy Kiley: It can’t be time yet. I am just going to go down there and buzz by Peggy Jones’ head and see if she notices the wind in her ear.
John Christenson: All right, all you Angels. You have been granted a special favor and time is up. You know that recreational permission to visit earth is only granted once a decade for one hour and now we must get back. Father Weber is expecting all of us for choir practice. Frysak, try not to be off-key again.
Paul Frysak sang especially well that night in choir practice.
And so my fellow Alemanians, with five precocious pterodactyls soaring over Mission Hills, you can expect any day now that the Board of Directors of Bishop Alemany High School just might change the official school mascot to…
"Th-th-th-that's all folks!"

Suffering succotash! Wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute.
Why hasn’t the Shadow Press used a real superstar like me in this farce of a serial story?
I, Daffy Duck, am the true icon of the ‘60’s, not that stuttering porcine palooka.
Not that scarf-wearing shadowy dude that walks in the fog.
And certainly not that pink catatonic panther-cat!
I know for a fact that Sue Shannon or Kathi Gibson would have been overjoyed to have a role in The Shadow opposite a superior leading duck like me.
You should have used me, Daffy Duck, Hollywood Phenom as your SuperHero!

SuperDuckkie says “Pass the Kryptonite, Coach”.
Bob Johnson: Gee, Daffy, I think we might have a role for you.
Hey Dan and Frank, do you like duck l’orange?
Dan McMahon: I love duck l’orange, Bob.
Frank Bonaccorso: I’m kind of hungry now, Bob. I will preheat the oven, you grab the duck?
Daffy Duck: You know it’s already January and I haven’t undergone my annual migration to San Ignacio Lagoon down in Baja. My dear old mother is probably worried that I have not arrived yet. And I promised Ken Meddock that I would show him the whales. See you guys later.
Jay Pelzer: Wait. It’s not over!
Frank: Believe me, Jay, it’s over. You are NOT getting the last word this time.
THE END!!!!!!!!!