(The Lizzy (Pack) and Lenny "School of Dance" will soon be open for those who didn't find their way to the dance floor on Reunion Night)
One week after the fact, and our 40 Year Reunion is still the No. 1 occupier of my thoughts and the smile hasn't yet left my face. Thanks to Dan, Marty, Bob and so many others for making that Saturday night 'The Mother of All Reunions.' In 60's terms, 'A Happening', and it truly was that. This was an evening that was emblazoned in our minds and will be cherished in our hearts for the rest of our lives. The vibration in both rooms was like a giant bee hive. In every inch of floor space, people were talking, laughing, exchanging stories of 'Remember When' and updating histories of where we are now. And lotsa' hugging, and a little dancin'.

(Dave Gieg and Frank DiPasquale, Bill Merriken and "Pani")
Like many others this past weekend, I was part of a pre-reunion reunion that took place at the 'Casa de Borquez, Hilltop Hacienda'. Rick invited as many Mary Immaculate 8th graders as he could find. Too bad so many email addresses weren’t posted and couldn’t be contacted. There I met up with my old school friends and partners in mischief, Rick, Don Soberg and Bill Merriken, as well as Jim Pinero, Dave Geig and my 'Ol Paison, Frank De Pasquale. It was a Great evening and only made us all that more anxious for the following one. And worth the wait it was.
Our Reunion was a virtual snowball of anticipation, planning, sharing of pictures and bios that led up to One Fantastic Evening. It encompassed every aspect of our school days up to the present. The 'Roll Call' was an immediate flash back, the video had 'take a deep breath and exhale slowly' moments and the acknowledgments of all those who came from long distances, were PhDs, survived Cancer, married their High School Sweethearts and for the first time in mylife, being recognized for being a Viet Nam veteran. It was all put together so well and the planning Dan & Crew did was remarkable.
In a way I feel the reunion was also somewhat of a closure for myself and I think maybe for others as well. I felt a feeling of contentment when I got home that night (ahh... morning) one that I hadn't felt before. The kind of contentment that I think only comes after a several decades of life on this earth. The good and the tough times we have all gone through, that all culminated in One Great Night in October. One that will remain with us forever.
Thank you and God Bless you all
Leonard DiTrapani aka... Pani :o)
Pomona CA