November 13, 2006


(Terry Bowles with his lovely daughter, Courtney. Who started the rumor that this was Terry's wife?)

At first I was not planning to attend the reunion because of some business obligations and admittedly some indifference on my part.

When I received Jay Pelzer's e-mail asking me if I remembered the record we used to play on the reverb in my car, well, it struck a nerve and I decided to change plans and attend.
Yes, I remembered the instrumental we cruised to. It was "Walk Don't Run" andJay's response to me was, "You are the real Terry Bowles."

Some friends asked me what were the highlights of the reunion and without question it was the renewed fellowship with a great class of people. Memories of Al Shows introducing my daughter as my wife, his medical advice (I hope he doesn't send me a bill}, and his warm inviting nature and meeting his lovely wife made me feel at home. Ken Meddock and Bill Merriken passing along a compliment about my role as Lt. Cable in South Pacific was really unexpected and truly appreciated. Thanks, guys. But, Ken, my vote for least changed would have been for you and Art Holquin, at least among the men.Jude Hawkes has my vote for the ladies.

Meeting with Mary Ganssle, Bobbie Mosher, Kathi Gibson, Teri Arteaga, Jacci Mahoney (who I mistook for Ellie McConnaughy when I saw her at our Church sitting behind me a few years ago – I blame it on my age), and all the beautiful ladies was just wonderful. Thank You.

(Courtney's reaction after hearing the Bowles' Party stories)

Seeing Jay again was amazing and reaffirmed the decision to attend. My daughter learned a lot about her dad from Jay and Al Shows (maybe too much). She now has secrets about me and the parties we used to have at my parents' house.

After meeting up with Dave Gieg I remembered that last time I ran into him (literally): it was at basketball practice and all I recall was hitting a brick wall. Dave, it was great seeing you after 40 years.

What would a reunion be with the teachers who touched our lives in so many ways? Frank Diaz (I still feel I should call him Mr. Diaz and still don't know the difference between a microbe and an electrode), Father Wagner and Mrs. Gordon. (Being one of the only boys in her typing class was so much fun.)

Art Holquin, Tom Benedict, Larry Neumeier, and Kerry Beaulieu as they concelebrated Mass reminded me of the spiritual bond we all share through our Lord Jesus. It was truly the best way to celebrate our coming together. Thanks, Fathers.

The next question put to me by my friends: was there anything that was not upbeat? For me it was learning about those classmates who have died and have serious illnesses now. But it was very evident through the e-mails how much prayer and spiritual support we have for each other. And this is atrue blessing our class has in common. It was sad not to see old friends like Dave Surges and Bob Johnson. Dave's suggestion about meeting in Duluth next time may have some possibilities. Bob, thanks for your work on the reunion.

So many thoughts and feelings are flowing through me; it is hard to put some of them to words. My sincere thanks to Dan and the reunion committee. Your hard work paid off. I'm sure the whole class was touched by the love and affection you and your gals put into it.

May God Bless the Class of 66.

Love,Terry Bowles

El Dorado Hills CA

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