December 2006
Dear Family and Friends,
I am bundled up by the fire on this chilly night, thinking of you and praying this past year has been kind. I know for many it has been filled with great trials and tribulations, and for some it has been wrought with awesome sorrow. Some years are like that-- some are not. For us it has been a good year. A year marked with a new beginning, anniversary celebrations and reunion reflections. I spent a lot of time this year looking back over the last 40, wondering where the time went and how different my life could have (would have) been had I traveled different roads. However, the roads I did choose, along with the one chosen for me at birth, connected me to you and for that I am grateful. So I wish you love and a sense of purpose in your life, knowing that all that happens to us and all that happens by us are connected to the whole. This gives us great responsibility, but also great protection and peace, knowing that we are part of something splendid-------- our Creator and each other.
Ted and Shasta's wedding took place March 11. As with all weddings, the bride, the groom and all of the family members, wondered why they just didn't elope and dispense with this extremely stressful and hectic ritual we use to mark the union of two people. The perfect place for this event could only be found on the remote island of Isla de Mujeres just off the coast of Cancun. Detailed planning ensued to coordinate all that would bring 30 various family members and friends together for approximately 4 days. Planes, taxis, boats, and golf carts lined up for the excursion. Suitcases carrying tons of resort style clothes, accessories, jewelry and of course the wedding gown and trousseau broke the back of all who were forced to lug it into and onto our appointed vehicle. I was stopped and questioned at customs. No one there would believe that all the jewelry I was carrying was for my own embellishment and not for sale. John just stood by with the, I told you not to pack so much, smirk he gets whenever we travel. After a great deal of fast talking, we arrived on the most beautiful island paradise on a sun filled warm day, and the festivities began. Gallons of Margaritas and pounds of guacamole and chips were devoured as we reveled in glory of being in Mexico and approaching the final culmination of the pain and agony that goes into planning a wedding. We all stayed in a beautiful villa overlooking the Caribbean, each room decorated and amenitized differently and impeccably. Large fluffy towels and robes, Jacuzzi tubs, balconies, flowers, huge deep duvets and infinity pools were the standard fare. I felt like a bride instead of the mother of the groom! We dressed and walked down to the cabana over looking the sea, where Ted and Shasta exchanged their hand written vows. It was perfect and movie like. Garrett was the ring boy and was so awe struck with the beauty of the place and his new Aunt Shasta that he told everyone he wants to get married exactly like his Uncle Ted in the same place and in the same way. None of us will ever forget our time there together.
We gathered in Nashville three weeks later, along with 300 guests, for a sit down dinner dance reception honoring the new Mr. and Mrs. Pins. I have to say, no prince or princess could have done it up any more beautifully. Ted is now a married man and I have a wonderful daughter-in-law that I love very much. You know what comes next ---------. I can't wait!
On that note, John Jr. and his new wife Megan are expecting their first child together in February. John has two beautiful daughters, Chloe 7 and Evie 5 from his first marriage and now he will have three. I wish they lived closer. Las Vegas is so far from us; however we will make sure we get to see the new angel Noreen as soon as we can. (They are keeping the sex of this one a surprise) There is nothing more special than new life and, to be even the tiniest part of it, is one of God's greatest blessings.
We didn't get to see Annie and Billy this year and visit with our darling Audrey who is now 6, extremely talented and on the honor roll. Texas doesn't seem to be much closer than Las Vegas, and Washington, where Chris lives, seems even further away. The good news, as we hear it, is that all are doing well. We are going to have to work on a family reunion again pretty soon. It has been too long since we all were together. I think I will work on claiming that for next year.
Jenn and Christy are still working together creating and growing SOLVE. It has become a huge operation and is making an incredible mark on the real estate building and development industry. They still live in a wonderful home in the historic part of Nashville. For years Ted and Jenn have lived either next door or down the street from each other. That changed this month as Ted and Shasta built a beautiful new house in the suburbs near us and sold their home in the city near Jenn and Christy. It will be interesting to see how that transition goes. We spent Thanksgiving there and I helped Shasta cook her first turkey. I had a great time passing on cooking traditions to the new young wife. Christy, who aspires to be a renowned author, has had her first book published. It is quite fun to see her book featured in the window of a local book store. She and Jenn have also designed a line of clothing defining lifestyle choices that has had great reception in many markets in different states. It is with great pride that this mother watches talent emerge and develop. As I shared in my last letter, they are forging new traditions for Garrett and their family for the Holidays. So this year we will do Christmas in a cabin in the Smokey Mountains. Some of us will ski, while others will cook and keep the home fires burning. Guess who will do what! I am sure it will be fun; we are even going to exchange gifts in the "Dirty Santa" fashion instead of buying presents for everyone. A $50.00 limit has been set for each of us.
Garrett turned 8 on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. I think this is a perfect feast for him to share a birthday. Garrett loves animals (all of us have many of them); he has a real respect for nature and a kind and loving spirit. I am going to add a statue of St. Francis to our yard to commemorate Garrett's birth and life; he is such a joy to John and me. He was having a little problem with shyness and focus at the beginning of this year, so John stopped into our local Tae Kwon Do school and spoke with the owner. As with all of life's "accidents" this man, Mr. Smithson, turned out to be an incredible person. He encouraged John to bring Garrett in on Saturday. For 5 weeks, John would sit with Garrett, while he watched the class, enthralled but afraid to participate with the other kids. Then one day, Mr. Smithson asked him to meet with him privately. He asked Garrett if he would join the class if they had a lesson alone, just the two of them. Garrett agreed and immediately got up and did everything he had been watching, perfectly. We were all amazed. From that time on (since last February), he has made incredible strides and changes emotionally and socially. He is now a purple belt and has broken 4 boards with his special kicks, barefooted; he is doing well in school and has taken up the guitar. We are very proud of him as you can tell.
John and I celebrated our 20 year wedding anniversary, May 10th of this year. Neither one of us, due to our past track record, ever thought we would reach this long standing milestone. After several marriages, and starting over, you wonder if you have it in you. However when it is right, there is really little effort in loving the person that is half your soul. I wanted to commemorate this event with a once in a lifetime trip, or a spectacular ring, or maybe both, however other obligations and the wedding made either of these things impossible. On the actual day of our anniversary, we took the time to enjoy each others company, have lunch and look for the perfect "gift" to give each other. We stopped in at the yard pottery shop, where we thought we would pick up some cute bench or little "couple" statue we could plant in a prominent place in our garden. Our choices seemed lame and rather boring. As we continued on our quest, I spotted a tattoo parlor on a busy corner in a rather seedy part of town. I jumped in my seat and shouted," That's it"! John thought I was just joking or worse yet, lost my mind. But, for those of you who know me, when I get these flash inspirations there is no diverting my energy away from the goal. I convinced John that this was the perfect inexpensive, yet monumental way to memorialize our achievement. He finally agreed, but said we had to find a reputable, clean establishment in order for him to participate. So how would two 50ish people go about finding such a place right then, you may ask? We called our children of course! They knew just the spot, but couldn't believe we were going to have the deed done. So while the entire family watched on the 10th of May 2006, we permanently marked our left forearms with a matching tasteful, yet stylish, number 20. John insisted if we were going to do something so bizarre, it had to be in a place that was visible most all the time for both of us. That left out a discreet ankle, back or thigh. So now everyday I see, and then give thanks, for the us that continues to be.
Each of us went back in time this year, to the days not so long ago, when we were naïve, young and full of hope for a life yet to live. 1966 was a good year. It was the year I graduated Alemany High School in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California. What a time and place to be 18. The class of '66 began to plan the reunion of all reunions to be held October 28, 2006. A website, along with a blog was created by some very dedicated and loving classmates and we all began to reconnect after 40 years of distance. The majority of the 390 classmates that made up our group came together and started to share their past and their present. Pictures were posted, memories were revived and the years melted away. For 6 months we read each others emails morning and night to see who had joined in the fun. It was amazing how little we had changed on the inside, even though the outsides were showing a bit of wear and tear. Finally the time came and we traveled back to our precious Valley and our school, where we spent 3 glorious days and 5 memorable events reliving an era long gone. How could 4 years out of 58 forge such a bond with this group of people? Maybe it was that time of our life, where everything seemed so important and life changing, or maybe we were just special. I know that time stood still for those few days, and the essence of who we are and the relationships that sustained us during those times were fresh and alive. What a lasting forever memory!
1967 was the Year That Was for "The Rose Garden" and their hit song "Next Plane to London." Oddly enough 2006 was the year that their old manager contacted the boys and convinced them that they needed to revive themselves and let him book them for some oldies but goodies gigs, resurrecting the original songs and sound. This was a dream come true, the chance for 4 lifelong friends to relive the past, the part of their lives that was magic. The time when they were rock and roll stars!! So, John, Jim, Bruce and Bill began to meet here in Nashville to rehearse and bring it back! They spent 4 separate weeks here at our house pouring heart and soul into the task. They hired a new girl singer, Gay Dement, from the Boomerang band, had their pictures made, cut a CD and performed live, for the first time in 37 years, at a local club. What a high that night was. They sounded great, even better than they did way back when. We are now waiting for the organization of some road trips to put them back on stage across the country. Isn't nostalgia something?
Speaking of nostalgia, we got to take a real trip down memory lane when we visited California in October. We shared good times with Meggan and Brandon, my sister and nephew, and hosted a family gathering at her home. We visited with Larry and Linda, John's brother and his wife, and took a day trip with them to Catalina. We hadn't been there since our wedding. We stopped in at the church we were married and recommitted our love in the same spot we stood 20 years earlier. We stood on the porch of the house that once was our honeymoon shack, and sat on a bench by The Casino. I vividly remembered New Years Eve 1986 when John asked me to marry him out on the Casino balcony after a big band dance. The day was beautiful and the Island was just as we remembered it. We rode home on the boat at sunset and marveled at how lucky we were to see "our special place" again, knowing, that that would probably be the last time we would. We have so many places we want to experience together before our time here ends (Tahoe being one of them) and I am not sure we will be able to fit another Catalina trip into the agenda. We'll see—maybe!
We took the time this year to see, kiss, hug and laugh with family and dear friends. We drove by the homes we lived in as children and checked out our schools. We visited the homes in Valencia where I started my adult life and raised my children. We went to the cemetery's where our parents are buried and soaked in the beauty and peace of those serene places and talked about what we wanted done and where we wanted to be when we no longer walked the earth. We spent hours remembering the past and how it shaped us, looked forward to the future and the circle of life as we saw it unfold.
It is always good for the soul to explore life's journey. How can you know where you are or how far you have come, unless you look back and see where you have been, or look ahead to where you are going? I do know one truth about the journey "wherever you go there you are." My hope and prayer for us all is, that we like who we have become and are content with where we are. If we are not, now is the time to change course. The journey is ultimately short and is over before you know it. Look at your map, fill up with inspiration and get going. There is so much more to do!
May the life we live, and the path we share, keep us mindful of our connection to each other now and forever AMEN!
Everyone here wishes you a Joyful, Merry Christmas & a Blessed New Year.
Love Always,
John and Bobbie
Ellie, Barney, Midi, Rocky, Sylvester & Sophie
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