As revealed by The Shadow
and with minor assistance from F.J. Bonaccorso
Subtitle: The Swedish Silver Bullet
Volume Dedication:
To the memory of Dr. Figliozzi,
Father of Kit Figliozzi Skelton and
the doctor who delivered your author into this world,
and maybe some of you readers too.
Stockholm Royal Palace.
King Rex Olliff: So the merger of the Swedish and Polish Ski Box Derby teams is settled. You must admit that Swedish technology is superior, but then of course you are the best driver in all of Europe. And, I am so pleased to hear that you are having fantastic results driving prototype 31 of the Swedish Silver Bullet. What the Volvo people have produced is impressive technology, don't you agree.
Marilyn Gadomski Smith: Yes, I don't think I could have been competitive with the Polish ski boxes. I love the new laser steering system on the Bullet. That is particularly awesome. All I have to do is sight the laser off my helmet and that's where the ski box goes. The gyroscopic strut mounts for the skis keep me from bouncing too much while sighting the laser. We are almost ready to take on the USA, although I am not satisfied with our putsching, Johansson drinks too much Vodka, and I may have to replace him with a Polish putscher, perhaps Daniel Kwapniowski.
Rex: You're in charge of personnel, Marilyn, do whatever is necessary to W-I-N - within the rules of course...

The Stockholm Royal Palace: Where King Rex Olliff lives.
With 608 rooms, the Stockholm Royal Palace is the biggest palace in the world still used by a head of state. It houses the Royal Apartments, Hall of State, and Apartments of the Orders of Chivalry, Treasury, Tre Kronor Palace Museum, Armory and Museum of Antiquities. Changing of the Guards takes place Wednesdays, Saturdays and public holidays. This mid-13th Century palace was ravaged by fire in 1697. Remnants of the old castle are in the Museum. New construction lasted from 1697 to 1754. The Royal Apartments are magnificent, ranging in style from baroque to rococo to Gustavian neo-classicism.
Zion National Park, Utah.
Bill Danaher: Training is going well Frank. Dave Nehen is a top marksman with that dart gun, Art and Tim have their timing down with the nets and ropes, Alan has all his medical supplies and his physical exams show everyone is in fit shape. We look good to go whenever Mock and Pokorski tell us the time machine is ready.
Frank B: Good job, Bill. How about the ship-to-ship line-throwing gun? Who have you put in charge of mastering that?
Bill: I'm taking that on myself. That gun has quite a kick, but I can shoot lines with grappling hooks up to 400 ft.
Frank: (Looking up a cliff.) You are almost there Chris, swing to your right.

Chris Gilmore getting in another day of training.
Bill: She is fearless. You wouldn't catch me up there.
Frank: Nor me, that's why Chris brought Kathy Gordon O'Riley into the project as her climbing partner. I look forward to handling pterodactyls but heights scare the shit out of me. I can wait until our bundle of prehistoric pterosaurs comes down to the ground.
Bill: Look south Frank, here comes Tim flying his little gyro-flyer. That should be very handy for scouting the cliffs and finding nests. Pat Dolan is learning to fly it too, so we have a backup.
Frank: You have any doubts about doing this Bill? Now is the time to back out if you do, you do have to consider your family. Annie would be worried if she knew what you were doing here.
Bill: What and miss the greatest science expedition of all time. Everybody is on board. Even Alan is enthusiastic now. He wants to know how a pterosaur heart functions
Frank: Thanks Bill. By the way, Tim is conducting dental checks on everyone this afternoon, we don't need any toothaches in the Cretaceous and he will have minimal supplies if there was a problem once we are in the field.
Bill: He has those mini-laughing gas cylinders he is taking. Why did you want so many?
Frank: Just in case in any big bad dinosaurs need to chill out Billy boy.
(Cell phone rings). Hello, Greg. (He listens) Great. See you day after tomorrow. Well Bill, the new time machine is ready for us...

Tim Jordan flying over Utah.
(Errata: I wish to correct a mistake in Volume 10. I incorrectly transcribed the Shadow's statement that the second cheerleader from the front in the "Dallas Cowgirl Splits" photo was Sue Shannon. Actually, Shadow informs me that Sue is the third cheerleader from the front. The second cheerleader from the front is my chemistry lab partner from ILAP, Kathy Bell. I used to have trouble concentrating in chemistry lab on "game days" when Kathy wore her cheerleader outfit to class. F. J. Bonaccorso)
Sacramento, Halls of the State Capital Building following Cabinet Meeting.
Teri Arteaga: That was a brilliant move to bring Helene (Tina) Cross onto our team as Chief Speech Writer, and the Governor seems to really believe in his heart that we can build a better California both in terms of quality of life and the environment, while at the same time expanding the economy.
Diane Muscolo: Yes, Tina has been brilliant writing slogans like, "There is no Democratic air, and there is no Republican air". Why even a lot of Democrats are buying into our government. By the way we have a 10:00 AM meeting with Arnie tomorrow on endangered species. Frank Bonaccorso will be flying in to brief us on the critical conservation status of the California leaf-nosed bat. He said he could squeeze in two hours with us before he heads off on a major expedition. This will be a hard sell. Arnie doesn't like bats very much, something about his previous role as Dr. Freeze in Batman.
Teri: Well, work is done for today, I think I will head for the kitchen and bake some cookies.
Diane: Oh, no you don't. Remember, the only cookies you are eating for awhile are Oreos. Besides we need to prepare for tomorrow's meeting with Frank, we need to review the candidates for Commissioner of Education; we need to see where Tina is on the speech for the next press conference....
Teri: Ok, I surrender. We can work in my office.
Playboy Mansion Basement
Nine Alemany Grads have their seat belts fastened aboard the Time Machine dubbed The Monarch - except there were only eight seats because Kathy Gordon had joined the crew at the last moment, thus once again Pat Dolan had to ride in a jury-rigged seat in the storage compartment.
Terry Mock: Stand by everyone, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch.....and poof the The Monarch was off to the Cretaceous....
Keck Observatory, at 13,796 ft on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Tom Carnegie: This lever elevates the scope and this one moves it left or right.
Adrienne Poirier: Thanks for having so much confidence to trust me with the Keck scope, Tom. I feel like I am on such a learning curve here at the observatory.
I mean, I have only been here a week and already I am mapping new galaxies on the worlds largest telescope that cost $140 million.
Tom: You are one of the fastest learners I have ever seen. I have to go check the liquid nitrogen levels down below, go ahead and start searching sector Gama 23-45Q in the Asellius system. I'll be back in half an hour. There's fresh coffee in the pot.
Adrienne: Will do Tom; keep your walkie-talkie on in case I have questions.
(Adrienne begins to photograph new planets and stars in Asellius). Oh my, what is this?
It must be as big as Pluto! I better run a trajectory calculation. Tom will be so proud of me! (On walkie-talkie) Tom, come in, this is Adrienne, and I have a new comet on the scope.
Tom: I will be there soon Adrienne, take as many photos as you can. You know that since you discovered the comet, it will be named after you. Great work!

The observatories on Mauna Kea. Keck Twin Telescopes where Tom Carnegie and Adrienne Poirier work the night shift are right center. Mauna Loa, worlds largest single mountain mass is in background and behind the mountain is Frank Bonaccorso's house where every 66'er is always welcome. Too little snow left for our snowboarders.

Comet Poirier moving rather fast on a trajectory toward Earth.
5,000,000,000 Parsecs Past Pluto on a barren unidentified planet.
Alien voice over ship's loudspeaker: We will soon arrive at our destination; all humanoids must fasten safety belts and prepare to land.
(The saucer lands)
Alien voice over loudspeaker: You will all depart the craft. (A door opens). You will proceed toward the terminal building along the yellow lines without deviation.
(And then, two figures appear from the thin planetary air to block the way to the door)
Judy Brouillette Roddy: Hello friends, I am special agent Judy, Homeland Security, and this is special agent Richard Corona, FBI, we have been on a covert detail to spy on these aliens for years. They finally made a move to kidnap US citizens and we stowed away aboard this ship to rescue you. We don't have time for further explanations. We will disappear momentarily to avoid detection by the aliens. Walk out toward the terminal. When we reappear on the tarmac and run for the rescue ship, follow us immediately with all the speed you can muster. Hesitation could mean death for some or all of us.
(Judy nods to Rich. She pulls a cloak over her, he puts on a golden ring with strange elfish runes on it, and they both disappear)
Kathy Dunlay: You heard what the lady said. Let's walk.
(Kathy pulls Leo by the hand, Leo pulls Elvis, and Elvis pulls Bobbie, all in single file).
Outside on the tarmac, Rich Corona pulls the ring off his finger and is visible, then Judy removes her cloak of invisibility and everyone can see her too.
(The gray flying saucer that was trailing the aliens lands between everyone and the terminal.)
Rich: Everyone follow me into the rescue saucer. Run!
(The saucer doors open, and everyone is running like scared antelope. Judy leaps aboard the saucer, turns and fires a shot at an alien, Bobbie notices her cherished heirloom pendant necklace has been dropped. She goes back to retrieve the necklace, but is caught by a small pudgy, purple-skinned alien. Judy cannot risk a shot.
Bobbie: Let go of me, you purple thingy (screaming).
Elvis: Everyone else get aboard, I am going back for Bobbie. (But Leo goes with him)
Space pistols are fired at the rescue saucer and in the direction of Elvis, Leo and Bobbie.
Rich: (standing in the door of the rescue saucer and firing his space pistol) Everybody come here now, the craft is programmed to leave in exactly 5 seconds.
(Leo is running with Bobbie to the saucer, Elvis is behind struggling with the purple alien that had Bobbie. More purple bodies are running for Elvis and others charge toward the saucer while firing shots)

What evil lurks in the minds of men? The Shadow knows.
Stay tuned for Volume 12 soon. If you want to listen to the original radio shows of The Shadow go to http://www.oldtimeradiofans.com/
For free downloads of radio shows -this is a great site - when you listen be sure to light a candle and turn the electric lights off. Many shows from Abbott and Costello to Death Valley Days are on this site. Great to share with your grandchildren over a cup of hot chocolate.

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