As revealed by The Shadow
and minor assistance from F.J. Bonaccorso
Volume Subtitle: Cat Woman Finally Revealed
At Starbucks:
Frankie Joe bought his coffee and was walking out when he spotted a woman crying at a booth. He wandered over.
Frank: Excuse me. I heard you crying, and I wondered if I could be of any help. Here, have a clean Starbucks napkin.
Woman: Looking up with tears in eyes, dabbing with napkin. Thank you, don't worry about me.
Frank: But I always worry when I see a fellow human crying. Would you like to talk about it? And this is not a pick up line, but you do look familiar.
Woman: I am familiar to you, Frankie Joe.
Frank: What? Two women in one night know my childhood name? Oh, my God, Chris Gilmore! I haven't seen you since 1966. Why, you weren't even at the Alemany Reunion last year. How did you recognize me?
Chris: You still have the same curly hair and (pause), well, I just recognized you.
Frank: So why the crying? I heard you were up for a part in the Dark Side of Batman. Why I have been advising Bob Orlando on bat behavior for his role. I put in a good word for you, I think you would make a spectacular Cat Woman. So, I guess Sue Shannon got the part?
Chris: I suppose you haven't been watching TV. Dick Carvotta just announced on his new show that Kathi Gibson got the part of Cat Woman. That's why I'm crying. I had my heart set on that part.
Frank: But wait, I thought Danny McMahon and Ed McMahon were going to announce the person....
Chris: They were supposed to, but somehow when Ed McMahon broke the mayonnaise jar and went to read the name on the slip of paper, the paper was blank. I was so upset, I switched to the Carvotta show, and somehow Dick intercepted the real hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar from Funk & Wagnalls and announced Kathi as Cat Woman. Then she came on stage in claws and black spandex, and that's show business.
Now I'm unemployed. I worked so hard taking climbing lessons for the part. Why, I can scale the LA city hall and the Capitol Records building with no problems.
Frank: I'm so sorry, Chris. Wait, you have climbing skills?
Chris: Best damn climber this side of Sir Edmund Hillary.
Frank: Christina Marie, my dear friend. How would you like to do some climbing for me and be in a film my group will be making for a media release that will dwarf the attention the Batman movie will get.
Chris: Well sure. Is this on the level?
Frank: It's as on the level as you can say Molidor's Super-duper Sock-it-to-me Sockerooni Sauce.
Chris: I've never tried Marty's sauce. Is it any good?

Frank: I will get you some sauce, Chris. Yes, it is darn good. Here is my card. Call me tomorrow. I have to fly to Bend, Oregon. Do you need a ride home?
Chris: No, I am fine. My car is here. Frankie Joe, I don’t understand everything, but you made my night. Will I really be seen all over the world in a hit film?
Frank: Yes, and personal appearances too. Dick Carvotta and Danny McMahon will be fighting to have you, and no doubt so will Howard Stern and Larry King Live. You want to ring the closing bell on Wall Street, be in the booth on Monday Night Football, the sky is the limit. I predict you will be at the Playboy Mansion very soon.
Chris: The Playboy Mansion. Oooooooh. Peachy!
Frank: Say, do you like animals?
Chris: Sure. I like most animals.
Frank: Well, I've got an animal that will make you more famous than Faye Wray and that big gorilla.
Chris: King Kong? A worried look comes over Chris.
Frank: Don't worry, Christina Marie, it's more like a big bird. Be a piece of cake, you up on a high place with....
Chris: With what?
Frank: We can talk later, Frankie Joe is going to take care of everything. Call me tomorrow.
Chris: Oh, Frankie Joe, one more thing. I never could have passed 7th grade history at St. Ferdinand's without all the answers you gave me. I haven't forgotten. Thanks.
Frank: (smiles) You never studied history did you, because you knew I aced those exams, and that I would whisper the answers to you.
Chris: Something like that. Hey, what kind of big bird? Tell me.
But Frank was out the door, relieved he had a climber from the Alemany and St. Ferdinand's family.
Cabinet Meeting, Sacramento Capital Building:
Arnold: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Cabinet, I am so pleased to introduce you to your new Lt. Governor, Teresita Arteaga Romero. (welcoming greetings around table)
Teri: Thank you everyone I look forward to working with you and the Governor. I brought some cookies (placing large tin of cookies on middle of table).
Arnold: And, my new Special Adviser on Environment and Conservation ... Come in Diane, Diane Moscolo Bergstrom (more welcoming greetings)
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