Volume 8: The Further Saga of Alemany '66:
As revealed by The Shadow
and with minor assistance from F.J. Bonaccorso
Subtitle: The SS Pterodactyl Ready to Cruise
Sports Exclusive.
Bend It LA - Like Beckham and Have Your Coffey Too!
Frank Del Olmo, Shadow Sportswriter, Heavenly Newspapers 2007-01-11
Claudia Haugh: (tea cup in hand). So Monique, how are the bookings going for the Alemany Cruise?
Monique Lussier: Wonderful. We have 203 Alemany grads that have sent in deposits. How odd that almost everyone says that their spouse has to visit their parents that weekend!
Claudia: Yeah, all the guys want to be seated at the table with Kathi Gibson and all the girls want to be seated at the table with
Claudia: I saw Bob on the set of Batman yesterday. He says he won't come, he gets seasick. (giggles). Little does Bob O. know that Bob J. gets seasick too.
Monique: Then I hope they have big tables and lots of barf bags on the SS Pterodactyl cause everyone wants to be at Bob J.'s side.
Claudia: The SS what?
Monique: The SS Pterodactyl. That's the new name of the ship. I bought the Latvian dictionary that you kept forgetting to buy.
Claudia: How could anybody with sense name a cruise ship after an ugly dinosaur.
Monique: Actually, pterodactyls are not dinosaurs, they are Pterosaurs a contemporary but separate lineage to dinosaurs.
Claudia: Monique! Where did you learn all that?
Monique: From Frankie Joe Bonaccorso when he booked his reservation on the cruise. He seemed to go into hysterical laughing fits when I told him the name of the ship and he said how appropriate it was as a name. He said, almost no one from Alemany would understand right now, but that was the most appropriate name possible for the cruise ship.
Claudia: Bizarre. That is weird, even for Frank.
Monique: Not as weird as the reaction I got from Terry Mock.
Claudia: What did Terry say?
Monique: He didn't say anything for a long time. I thought we were disconnected. And then he said in a scary tone, how did you find out about the Pterodactyls, Monique? Then he hung up.
Claudia: Go figure.
In a small aircraft approaching
Frank: And so Tim that is as much as I can tell you now, but you were always up for adventure when we were undergrads. Remember those trips to the
Dr. Tim Jordan: (flying plane) We did have a lot of fun in those days. When we drove across the
Frank: Bill will go with us, he just needs a little convincing and we must persuade Annie he will be safe with us. Once we convince Bill to come, we go to work on Dave Nehen and Pat Dolan. Art Fonseca will be tougher to convince, he has never been on a wilderness field trip with us before. Anyway, looks like your airstrip over there.
Maggie Calaba: Why
(Maggie lifts sunglasses and waits for Danny to recognize her.)
Danny: Maggie, what a pleasant surprise to see you at
Maggie: Do you miss the Nuns, they were such a fun group?
Danny: Yes, I do miss them. Well, did you know that Bobbie Mosher is the Official Greeter and Social Director here at
Maggie: No, I had no idea. I might have to drop by her office and say hello.
Danny: Don't bother, I have been trying to see her all day, but her executive secretary keeps giving me the brush off. I don't understand it. Anyway, nice seeing you, I have to be leaving. Bye.
Arthur Murray Dance Studio,
Jenifer Lopez (J-Lo): Hi Ron, you are on time today.
Ron Turkal: Well the
J-Lo: Nonsense Ron, you have made great improvements since the first lesson. Why at first you were all left feet, all three of them. But you are progressing faster than Ron Springer and look how far he got.
Ron: Well, ok. What is our dance of the day?
J-Lo: Tango and then we can review the Chachacha. Maestro, musica! (Willie Melendres and his band, Muy Peligroso, strike up the music for J-Lo and Ron)
Small aircraft approaching runway at Van Nuys airstrip.
Dave Nehen: Man, it's good to all be together again. Thanks for including me on your field expedition Frank. And you say Art Fonseca, John Barreiro and Alan Shows will meet us later today.
Frank: Yes, Dave. I didn't want to spoil the surprise, but I guess I can tell you guys now that I arranged a meal for all of us at the
Bill Danaher: Way to go Frank, do we get to meet Hef.
Tim Jordan: (letting landing gear down) Who cares about Hef, do we get to meet the other inmates.
Dale (Pat) Dolen: (voice from way back in cargo bay behind last seat). Are we there yet, I'm hungry and my legs are getting cramped.
Frank: Well, I can promise that you will see Cha Cha Faitel and
Sandy Meddock: Oh, by the way dear, I forgot to give you the mail (handing him two letters as they enjoy strawberry and whip cream smothered waffles)
Ken Meddock: I have been waiting for this one! Its from Stratton Laboratories, Tom Stratton may have a carbon dating on the
Ken: It's from Pelzer (opens letter and reads). Well, one-horned flying purple people eaters! Jay Pelzer is inviting me as an alternate on the Ryder Cup team. He wants me to come to training camp at

Jay Pelzer modeling his knickers for the US Ryder Team.
Maybe Jay plans to travel in the time machine before teeing off?
Driving Down
Wally Ernsdorf: Well chief, you sure did win a pile of money by betting on the Seahawks. What is the total holdings now?
Oscar Rivera: We just passed one billion dollars, Wally. How did you do betting the pocket change I gave you.
Wally: Uh, I bet on
Oscar: A small advance Wally. Why don't you stop betting, you have not won a single pot since you came to work for me. Let me do the winning for both of us. Turn in the next alley on the right, this is where the poker game is.
Wally: Can I play or will this be high stakes?
Oscar: You watch. Tonight I play Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Rupert Murdock. And be sure and have Wally Franklin and the Brinks truck ready at
The Today Show Live Broadcast in
Lenore Fusano: Welcome Stephen. How is the filming of The Dark Side of Batman going?
Spielberg: We are ahead of production schedule, Lenore. Aside from
Lenore: Oh my gosh, is Bob alright? I'm sitting at his table on the Alemany Cruise, you know. It took me ages to convince Bob he has to be on the cruise.
Spielberg: He's fine. Some minor cuts and his eyebrows were singed, nothing more. Kathi Gibson was at the wreck in flash and hauled Bob out of the flames just before it exploded. She could not have gotten him out in time if she had not been wearing her titanium claws to shred the door. Fortunately, my head cameraman, Bill Farnsworth, had his camera rolling and we got it all on film. We plan to use the scene in the film.
Lenore: Lucky Cat Woman was there for Batman. And there you have it. And now what's happening with the weather, Michael Feehan?
Mike: Well Lenore and
The Dick Carvotta Show
Dick: Our next guest is the woman who has become the psychologist to the stars, Dr. Barb. She has a new book out called "Analyze This". Here's Dr. Barb.
Barb: (Walks on stage to the music of I'm Telling You Now from Freddy and The Dreamers fame played to a salsa beat by Willie Melendres and his band Muy Peligroso).
Dick: Thank you Willie, I believe you know Barb (they float kisses to each other). Hello Barb. So like the song title, what do you have to tell.
Barb: One of my biggest cases right now is dealing with the depression of the whole city of
Dick: I can see why
Barb: Mentally he is strong and handling it well, but he has a case of indigestion. Seems he made a bet with Jay Pelzer that if
Dick: All ten gallons! Wow. Hey after this commercial break, I have more questions for you like what is happening with your mediation of the Don Trump-Rosie O'Donnell feud? And how is Arnie Schwarzenegger handling his Tequila cookie addiction?
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