Email from Fr. Ed Cunningham, OMI
Hey Danny,
The offer to attend the Reunion is very tempting, and I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I'm hesitating to accept because I had a heart attack August 28 - about which I knew nothing. Lucky for me I was hospitalized with pneumonia a few days afterwards, and the routine tests indicated a heart attack. I was transported to Mayo Clinic in Rochester for a stent.
I was released on September 8th, the 48th anniversary of my ordination. There were 8 guys in that class; three left the priesthood, and of the remaining 5 priests two died of heart attacks, so there's only three of us left.
I'm back at the parish, doing well, recovering nicely, no permanent damage, but retired now and doing "Retired Active Ministry."
If I can get the doctor's permission to travel I'll get back to you, asap.
Meanwhile keep up the good work, and give my regards to the wonderful class AHS - 1966.
Fr. Ed, omi
St Paul's Parish
Minnesota City, MN 55959-0026
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