Hotel Info for our Reunion
In a message dated 9/12/2006, Penny Mertens writes:
Hey there Alegamanians (as my sister Pam used to refer to us)!
Can't wait to see all of you at the reunion! We've been working our fairly-old but still energetic tails off getting things ready for you. Your reunion committee is looking forward to a really nice time together. In the meantime, here's some information on hotels in the Valencia/Santa Clarita area and a couple of places very close to the Odyssey:
First, I looked at the hotels close to the Odyssey (The Guesthouse Inn on Sepulveda and Best Western at the bottom of Odyssey Drive) and as Karen King said," They're serviceable, but not great." If you want to stay close to the Odyssey and remain in the valley, a room in one of these hotels would be fine. They were $75 (special rate)-$129. Then I went up to Santa Clarita to look at hotels off of the 5 freeway (about 10-15 minutes from the Odyssey.)
Comfort Suites (661 254-7700) is the least expensive at $108. It certainly was nice enough but was pretty close to the freeway, so I was concerned about noise. You can request a room that faces away from the freeway, but they won't guarantee that you'll get it.
The Residence Inn (661 290-2800) was pretty and I thought the rooms were very nice. It was $149 and had a complimentary hot breakfast in the morning. It, too, is a little close to the freeway, though not quite as close as Comfort Suites because it's higher up. A group rate might be possible if enough people are interested. Let me know if you are (lapre@adelphia.net). Both of the above hotels are directly off of the 5 freeway at Lyons Ave. Perfect for anyone coming down the 5 from Northern California and parts yonder.
The 3rd choice is the Hyatt off of the 5 at Valencia Blvd. It would take a couple of minutes longer to get to because it's closer to the center of town but it's a full-service hotel, the only one in the area. It's definitely a step up from the other hotels in the area. It has a restaurant and bar in the hotel, pool/spa, work-out room, room service and is directly across the street from the Valencia Town Center (Macy's, Pottery Barn, restaurants etc.) If we book at least ten rooms, we can get a discounted rate of $143 plus tax, which is a great rate. The regular rate is $179 to $200. If you know for sure that you would like to stay at the Hyatt, please email me (Penny) directly at lapre@adelphia.net. When I have ten confirmed rooms, I will go sign the contract that is required to get the $143 rate. I will have to be responsible for the cost of the room for any cancellations or no-shows, so please be sure you want to stay at the Hyatt before emailing me. It would certainly be fun to run into classmates at the same hotel and some may want to go shopping at the Town Center to prove just how expensive a reunion can be!
One more thought - there are other hotels in the same area. There's a Fairfield Inn and a Hilton Garden Inn also, to name a couple more. I know they are probably similar to the ones listed, but I'm sure they are listed in the phone book if there's a particular hotel you like. I didn't have time to look at all of them. Feel free to email me with questions etc. I will reply, I promise. I hope everybody is resting up for a great party weekend - I already have my dancing shoes on!!
Penny Mertens
In a message dated 9/9/2006 4:27:38 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, Elsie (Dellecese) Thatcher writes:
Another hotel option is the Airtel Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Van Nuys near the Van Nuys Airport. The online rate through Hotels.1.com is $99.00 plus tax.
Looking forward to seeing everyone,
Elsie (Dellecese) Thatcher
In a message dated 9/8/2006, Dan McMahon writes:
One of the hotels close to our reunion site is The GuestHouse Inn on Sepulveda, just south of Chatsworth Blvd.
They were recommended by The Odyssey, and they will give us a special rate of $74 per night, if you contact them on or before Sept. 20, 2006. If you make your reservation after that date, your rate will be higher.
Here is their contact info:
GuestHouse Inn San Fernando Valley
10621 Sepulveda Blvd.Mission Hills, CA 91345818-891-1771
818-895-1446 Fax Cathy Bayot, Sales Manager, ext. 304, cbayot@hotelpros.biz
On the Internet: http://www.guesthouseintl.com/property.cfm?property_id=159&CFID=6229335&CFTOKEN=61176570
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