Email Interview with
Coach Mike King
One of my favorite teachers at Alemany was Mike King. He was my "B" football coach in 9th and 10th grades, and then I had him as a teacher in German in 11th grade and for Chemistry in 12th grade. Obviously he was a man of many talents and much knowledge, and a man of deep dedication.
My claim to fame is that I was one of the captains on the "B" football team in 10th grade, something of which I was very proud. (That was the only year in my four football years that I didn't "ride the bench.") I got in touch with "Coach King" about eight years ago after I attended a conference in Irvine and met a nun from Sebastopol, CA. I knew Mike King had lived in Sebastopol and asked if she knew him. Did she! I got back in touch with him then, and I've had a very enjoyable email relationship with him ever since.
He continues to have a wonderful sense of humor, or "Sinn für Humor," as we German scholars used to say in his German class. He calls me "Captain Dan," which always makes me smile. I call him Coach. He is retired, and he and his wife Jan live in Oysterville in Washington State.
Danny McMahon
From: MCMAHONDAN@aol.com
To: janrex@pacifier.com
Date: Fri, Sep 29, 2006, 6:59 AM
Dear Coach,
Did you deliver newspapers while teaching at Alemany? That's what Brent Poirier (AHS-64), Adrienne's older brother, said.
How many children do you guys have? I know it was a lot more than 2. I don't know how you did it on a Catholic school teacher's income.
Do you still keep in touch with Coach Vanni?
Capt. Dan
In a message dated 9/30/2006 10:53:52 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, janrex@pacifier.com writes:
Hi Capt. Dan.
Funny you should ask! It's been a couple of years since we visited with Coach Vanni. He was quite broken up over the loss of his oldest boy, Dave, who collapsed after finishing his daily workout. Dave was a super son and a fireman in the Oakland area.
Both Coach Vanni & myself had a night job part-time at the L.A. Times, where we loaded up several hundred bundles of newspapers, and trucked them to the different dealers for delivery.
Jan & I have five girls and 4 boys, and 17 grandchildren. Fortunately, they are all College Grads and have good jobs.
Have a great reunion, & I sure wish we could come, but the timing is off! Please give our best to everyone. So sorry to hear about Fr. Chris – he'll be in our prayers.
Coach Mike King
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