The True Story of Why Monique is "All Tuckered Out"
Since I got a scolding from Bob Johnson about being on the reunion committee and not sending a bio, I will attempt to give a short run down of the last 40 yrs since we graduated.
My biggest regret was not finishing college. In 1969 I married Guy Proto and we lived in Washington DC for the majority of his time in the Air Force. In 1973 we moved back to California and a year later we had a son, Jason. In 1979 we were divorced and I moved to Thousand Oaks in 1980 where I have lived since then. I love this area and life here is wonderful.
I worked for a time in interior design but then had to find work that actually paid enough to live on. I went to work for a financial investment company where I met my husband Skip. We have been married 22 yrs on Dec 1st. We have 4 kids between us. They are all amazing people and we are very proud of them.
Skip is manager of the Re/Max Gold Coast Realtors office in Thousand Oaks. After our marriage I opened a gift shop in Moorpark and did interior design, again, which I loved. After doing this for 12 yrs I got a little burned out and went into outside sales for a large showroom in the L.A. Mart. I had a great territory but the traveling got to me after 5 yrs and realized I wanted to be around more for my grandchildren.
Our first grandchildren were twin girls who are now 12 yrs old. Then in 2001 three of our kids had babies at the same time so we have 3 grandkids that are all 5 (which makes it feel like triplets when they are all together) and we have a 2-¬Ω yr old. The count is 4 girls 2 boys. Watching them grow is truly the most amazing thing in my life.
6 yrs ago I started my own business, All Tuckered Out. It is a line of kids and baby blankets that I have manufactured in L.A. and are sold all over the country through sales reps. I have a trademark on my special blanket for Big Brothers and Big Sisters. I haven't made my millions yet but I get great satisfaction from my designs and hearing how kids love their blankets from reps and from store buyers.
Having 6 grandchildren to bounce ideas off certainly helps. They are the love of our lives and we are lucky to have 4 who live minutes away. Our other two live in Oregon, which, at least is not all the way across the country, but we wish we could see them more.
My time at Alemany was certainly a time of growth for me. Being on the committee for our reunion has given me the opportunity to see people again I have not seen in years and to also reflect back on a time that helped shape me as a person.
Being able to read everyone's bios has been inspirational as so many have gone on to pursue their dreams and have such full and wonderful lives. What a gift it is to be able to share this all with each other. I feel incredibly blessed to have my family who I love and who has brought so much joy to my life. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone on Oct 28th. How can we cram 40 yrs of news into a few hours?? Let’s do this again in 5 yrs.

My biggest regret was not finishing college. In 1969 I married Guy Proto and we lived in Washington DC for the majority of his time in the Air Force. In 1973 we moved back to California and a year later we had a son, Jason. In 1979 we were divorced and I moved to Thousand Oaks in 1980 where I have lived since then. I love this area and life here is wonderful.
I worked for a time in interior design but then had to find work that actually paid enough to live on. I went to work for a financial investment company where I met my husband Skip. We have been married 22 yrs on Dec 1st. We have 4 kids between us. They are all amazing people and we are very proud of them.
Skip is manager of the Re/Max Gold Coast Realtors office in Thousand Oaks. After our marriage I opened a gift shop in Moorpark and did interior design, again, which I loved. After doing this for 12 yrs I got a little burned out and went into outside sales for a large showroom in the L.A. Mart. I had a great territory but the traveling got to me after 5 yrs and realized I wanted to be around more for my grandchildren.
Our first grandchildren were twin girls who are now 12 yrs old. Then in 2001 three of our kids had babies at the same time so we have 3 grandkids that are all 5 (which makes it feel like triplets when they are all together) and we have a 2-¬Ω yr old. The count is 4 girls 2 boys. Watching them grow is truly the most amazing thing in my life.
6 yrs ago I started my own business, All Tuckered Out. It is a line of kids and baby blankets that I have manufactured in L.A. and are sold all over the country through sales reps. I have a trademark on my special blanket for Big Brothers and Big Sisters. I haven't made my millions yet but I get great satisfaction from my designs and hearing how kids love their blankets from reps and from store buyers.
Having 6 grandchildren to bounce ideas off certainly helps. They are the love of our lives and we are lucky to have 4 who live minutes away. Our other two live in Oregon, which, at least is not all the way across the country, but we wish we could see them more.
My time at Alemany was certainly a time of growth for me. Being on the committee for our reunion has given me the opportunity to see people again I have not seen in years and to also reflect back on a time that helped shape me as a person.
Being able to read everyone's bios has been inspirational as so many have gone on to pursue their dreams and have such full and wonderful lives. What a gift it is to be able to share this all with each other. I feel incredibly blessed to have my family who I love and who has brought so much joy to my life. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone on Oct 28th. How can we cram 40 yrs of news into a few hours?? Let’s do this again in 5 yrs.

Monique has thrown down the gauntlet to all you Bruin and Trojan fans out there. Here is how she describes the weekend of October 21st (when she should have been doing her reunion committee work!)
It's 11:30 PM, I just arrived home from one of the most incredible football games I have ever been to in South Bend, watching the Irish beat UCLA in the last 20 seconds of the game. Even for people who aren't football fans, let me tell you the sound in that stadium...well I can't believe I can still hear!!. What a week end. There is something indescribeable that happens at Notre Dame Stadium. My husband, Skip, graduated from ND in 1962 and I have a nephew who graduated 2 yrs ago and another who is in his freshman year and he took us all over. What fun!!! Don't even get my husband started on talking about ND. My brother in law also lives in South Bend and runs the hospice program there.He's an amazing man. Unless you go and experience it you just don't know how special it is. What a week end!!!! I have no voice today Ha Ha.
Monique (Lussier) Padberg
Newbury Park, CA
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